14 February 2015


Proper strollers cost an arm and a leg in China (well everything that's imported really). So when I started shopping for strollers I knew Bugaboo would be way out of my league. But the more I looked around the more I wanted one. So you can imagine how excited ( and a bit to obsessive) I got when I found this second hand Bugaboo Cameleon3 in white, as good as new, for a great price. To good to be true really. After some back and forth visiting the seller and making sure of the stroller´s authenticity (although I was convinced of it the people around me were not, you know since we live in China and all that) the Stroller was mine!
The thing with the Bugaboo strollers is that they are simply a brilliant design, both look-wise and use-wise. It´s a three in one kind of stroller, you can attach your car seat with the chassis and then the stroller comes with a bassinet for a newborn and a seat when your baby has turned into a toddler. Both the bassinet and seat are machine washable. The seat is reclinable ( very important feature according to my supermom friend). And the best part you can change the color of the stroller by switching out the fabric set. I have my eye on these two below.