16 March 2012

One Month of Vanity

Today it´s one month since I started writing this virtual diary. Like so many others who take on this project I was spending my time reading these kinds of blogs and when I got some free time on my hands (actually a lot of free time, I had to do something) I decided to try it out myself. 

At the same time I was reading and admiring the fashionistas style and ideas I was thinking how egoistic and narcissistic this really is and actually admiring them to dare to show of like this. That is  probably the reason only Mr P (and one very social media clever, and clever in general, girlfriend of mine who found me instantly when I gave a hint I was up to this) knows about AfterBoston.blogspot.com I guess I am too self-conscious and afraid what people around me think to let them read. But the truth is I love to do this and since I have some very exciting times ahead I am going to keep posting and hope you guys, that I think are more or less randomly stopping by, like it. And maybe if you feel like it, leave your mark. I guess the price to pay when you don't tell anyone is the lack of stable and obligatory audience.

I loved to play with my Barbie dolls when I was younger, constantly changing their clothes, looks and scenarios. It feels a little bit like I´m playing Barbie again only now the doll is myself. It could also be that I have been spending to much time with myself and narcissism has bit me in the ass. 

1 comment :

  1. Loooove the first photo!! Be sure to check out my reportage from DOLLS LAND gallery full of collector´s gems, I am sure you will like it :o)
    Found your blog on IFB and if you check out mine as well it would be very nice :)

    just JE NE SAIS QUOI
    Independent Fashion Bloggers
