5 January 2013


Vogue Italia Editorial Claire Danes, October 2009 Shot #6

Vogue Italia Editorial Claire Danes, October 2009 Shot #2
Vogue Italia Editorial Claire Danes, October 2009 Shot #4
B&W pictures are from Vouge Italia Editorial with Claire Danes from Okt 2009
I had forgotten all about the stunning actress Claire Danes until two days ago when I was told about this new TV series called Homeland she stars in. I decided to check it out and now two days later I have watched the first fourteen episodes! Yes I know this has gotten a little bit out of hand but I just cant stop. Claire Danes is amazingly good plus the rest of the cast and the plot is so twisty that you can't help but get sucked in. The story is also so immediately relevant to what's happening in the world today which makes it so interesting.
I think I have ten episodes left to watch (they have made two series so far) and honestly I wish I was just done with them so I could start doing something else, for example studying for my final exams that are coming up in two days. Actually unless you need some time to kill or have nothing special coming up I don't recommend you start since it´s seriously addictive.
Besides being so talented, with this great hair and looks I have always though Claire Danes has the perfect chest. Well now you know that, although I don´t have much, breast enlargement is not on my to do list.

You can check out the Homeland serie here