7 March 2013

Fur Coat

It´s second hand and would have been thrown away anyway. Me trying to fight my buying-a-real-fur-bad conscious. All though I am much more into human rights, think we should try to  secure all our fellow human beings their basic rights before we save the animals, I am feeling more and more guilty wearing a real fur because I know there are some horrible things going on (for example where I am located right now). But my love of good bargain out-shined that guiltiness when I stumbled up on this Rabbit Fur Coat in a second hand shop in South Korea for only 40.000 thousand S-Korean Won, which is about 35$. Second hand shops you actually don't see often in Asia since the recycling thing it still not high on the agenda here and that probably explains the good price. I mean it was second hand, probably used many times (it has a hole under the arm) and otherwise would have ended up in the trash. Ignorance is bliss they say.