8 July 2014

Gym Necessities

I finally went and got myself a yoga mat. The reason both being that my new apartment doesn´t have any floor rug I can lay on when I do my rare home gym sessions. And I went for a Pilate's class the other day and noticed that I was the only person using the mats provided by the gym, everyone else brought their own mat and for a reason............ So now I feel like a proper yoga girl walking around with my own mat. To bad my yoga skills don't live up to my new image as I am still, and probably always will be, as stiff as a board.  
In addition to my mat I bought some new cool gym clothes, they are all I want to wear now, and I also planned to get myself some weights, but the ones on offer were so ugly I will rather keep on using the beer cans from the fridge until I find some nice looking weights. I keep my priorities straight.